Gravitational Astrology

Throughout my life, I have been fascinated by the field of Astrology.

I recall reading my horoscopes in the local newspapers, and I would often look at both the Aries and Pisces sections since my birthday is on March 21st.

My interest in Astrology deepened in college when I realized that the people I found myself dating all had similar birthdays. I also discovered that my parents and I all had the same Moon sign of Leo… with this synchronicity deepening over the years as my sister married someone with a Leo Moon and had twin daughters with Leo Moons.

As someone trained as a psychic, I have no problem accepting the perceived connection between astrological events and my life experience… it just is.

As someone trained as a scientist, I would like to know how?

Possible Connections

There are many possible approaches to the question of how or why astrology “works”, and I’m going to briefly outline a few… but first, this is not a scientific paper.

The first clue that this isn’t scientific should be that I am making an assumption that astrology “works”. ;-)

Possible avenues:

  • Astrology works because we believe it does
    Our consciousness and observations affect the world around us… experiments have shown this… the questions here might be more along the lines of “by how much?” or “to what degree?”

  • Astrology works because of quantum entanglement

  • Astrology works because of something unknown and/or unknowable

  • Astrology works because of gravity