Haight-Ashbury Holistic Astrology

(aka “HAHA”)

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Summer 2023 Haight-Ashbury Holistic Astrology

Hello, Haight-Ashbury!

In honor of the fact that many of us don’t neatly fit into boxes, we’re expanding this season’s astrology article to include cusp-signs. 

If you’re born towards the beginning or end of a sign, consider reading the cusp horoscope as well as your normal one and see how they fit.

If you would like to know more about cusp signs, please read my Medium post.

Traditional Sign Horoscopes for Summer 2023

  • Aries - This may be a good time to address some long-standing inner wound, and it’s ok to ask for help

  • Taurus - You may not enjoy when things get shaken up, but now may be a fun time to consider expanding your horizons

  • Gemini - This may be one of those seasons when thinking before acting really benefits you

  • Cancer - With the energy available to you, is there a healthy adventure you can give yourself?

  • Leo - Summer is your time, just remember to keep chipping at those longer-term projects while you’re celebrating in the present

  • Virgo - Can you give yourself permission to celebrate your successes, even if others are struggling?

  • Libra - This may be a time to reflect on your health journey, and you likely have the energy to make corrective actions

  • Scorpio - This may be a time to reflect on the new experiences you’ve had recently and to let the dust settle a bit

  • Sagittarius - If your mind or body feel a bit sluggish, try validating what is working and lean into that

  • Capricorn - If you reflect upon your longer-term health goals, what corrective actions would you take in the present?

  • Aquarius - Maybe things aren’t going your way currently, but that will change… take the time to recharge and prepare yourself for the next set of challenges

  • Pisces - If your past actions and thoughts contributed to the present you are experiencing, how would you like to move forward?

Cusp Sign Horoscopes for Summer 2023

  • Piscaries (Pisces/Aries cusp) - You may feel like retreating into a dream world or be inspired exploring your spiritual side… knowing you it’s possibly a bit of both

  • Araurus (Aries/Taurus cusp) - What aspects of your personality are contributing to the challenges you’re facing, and are you ready to shed them?

  • Taurmini (Taurus/Gemini cusp) - If you experience something of a personal earthquake, you may wish to check that the foundations you’ve built for your life are strong enough to support the future you’re building

  • Geminancer (Gemini/Cancer cusp) - If you’re feeling some frustration about the alignment of your goals and reality, would focusing on something else for a bit give you the space to process?

  • Canceo (Cancer/Leo cusp) -  You may not be ready to fully emerge from your chrysalis, but chatting with a good friend may help you reflect on your transformative project

  • Leorgo (Leo/Virgo cusp) - You may feel like rebelling against any old patterns you find yourself in, and you likely have the energy to do it

  • Virbra (Virgo/Libra cusp) - While you’re still reaching for your goals and evaluating your dreams, are you able to take a moment to validate what has been accomplished?

  • Lirpio (Libra/Scorpio cusp) - Dredging up and facing what you’ve buried may help you move forward

  • Scorpittarius (Scorpio/Sagittarius cusp) - You may feel like escaping some of the structure you find yourself in, and there may be a creative path forward

  • Sagicorn (Sagittarius/Capricorn cusp) - Are you doing the things you dream of doing? Can you take steps to start to manifest your fantasies?

  • Capriquarius (Capricorn/Aquarius cusp) - Some sort of personal rebirth or transformation may be available to you, if you choose that path

  • Aquasces (Aquarius/Pisces cusp) - With recent shake-ups, some new order or personal limits may help focus your energies

If you would like to know more about cusp signs, please read my Medium post

The Haight-Ashbury Astrological Birth Chart (provided by Astro.com)