Thank you for your interest in learning more about One to One
One to One (OTO) is a space to deepen your personal connection with yourself as a spirit. It is available to those who have demonstrated their ability to own their upper chakras, generally by completing an intensive Clairvoyant Training Program and a Teachers Program like those offered at the Berkeley Psychic Institute.
OTO Mentors are guides on this journey. They do not have your answers, as their role is to gently assist you in finding your own truths. Please click on the links below to learn more about these OTO Mentors:
Name & Link
Name & Link
Name & Link
Name & Link
Name & Link
Name & Link
Name & Link
Name & Link
A note about OTO Mentors:
One to One was developed within the Berkeley Psychic Institute and has since grown to be taught in various spiritual settings. The OTO Mentors above are a collegial group that spans several different organizations, and all use a version of the same curriculum.